Getting Started with Online Calendar

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Below are a few of the main features to get you started setting up your calendar. While there is more to discover, these 8 points will get your calendar up and running in just a matter of minutes. 

  1. Get started by adding your church logo, name and address: Add Organization Information.
  2. To choose a time zone or change your calendar's event settings, read our guide for Calendar Options.
  3. If you would like to give your calendar a pop of color and make it more unique to your style, try adding Colors and Fonts.
  4. You have the flexibility to add holidays to your calendars or leave your calendar just for your personalized events. Visit our guide on Holidays on how to add them to your calendar.
  5. To create specific groups for your church such as Elders, Youth Group and Women's Prayer Group, you can create and edit Interest Groups.
  6. Just like adding Interest Groups, you can also add Church Rooms and Equipment which is a great way to keep your events organized by which rooms and/or equipment are being used and at what times. 
  7. Once you are finished adding all the details listed above, you're ready to start adding your events to your calendar! Check out this guide to Add or Edit an Event
  8. Lastly, when you're ready to share your calendar, read our guide Getting Started with Sharing Your Calendar.

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